Demonstration 1: How To Outline Through Elastic and Red Tape

Published on 3 Oct 2016
you may pick any elastic or tape, preferably red in colour... and upon any wall, in any plain room... you may stretch red tape horizontally, around eye level... and at hand length... then stretching and sticking another strip... and un-sticking... and re-sticking again... making a kind of landscape shaped outline... direct your arm, hand, fingers and elastic toward the outline of red tape... which may look in this way: you may even stretch further, as much as the elastic goes... sometimes un-stretching the elastic completely... then un-sticking and re-sticking the red tape... letting the outline mad4 by the red tape... re-trace the outline made with fingers and elastic... and again, you may un-stick and re-stick the tape... re-tracing the wall's outline with the fingered-elastic outline... taking time, holding up... for a while... looking again, tracing... and re-tracing, following the point of view... and all this may go on... again... and in different ways... and this may go on, using your left hand... at other times using a different, even longer elastic... and all this may go on... again... and in different ways...

Demonstration 2: How to Saw Wooden Posts and Become Foot Vacuumed

Published on 10 Oct 2016
you may pick any wooden post and saw... and stand a few feet from anything... going down to whatever length of the post... then, or whenever, taking the post... and, at knee length, sawing it there... which may take some positioning... and once positioned... saw... saw through the post... and sawdust may gather around one foot... sawing... until sawn... then placing the sawn post next to or around you... sometime later, you may raise one foot... over or away from... the saw-dust... and you may even dust off the dusted foot... stepping away from the saw-dust... you might lay chest down, over the saw-dust... staying there, for a while... and at some point, raise your upper-half up... on the one hand, you might lay down on your back... and... on the other hand, you might just rise to your knees... then, for instance, taking a vacuum... vacuum the saw-dust from your shirt...

Demonstration 3: How To Eat And Be Seen Through A Pretzel

Published on 17 Oct 2016
you may sit or squat before a pretzel and over a square shaped mirror... picking up the pretzel... you may press your thumbs and fingers... along the pretzel's parts, splitting or breaking the parts... while sticking any pretzel part into your mouth... and you may handle your legs and feet... handling them in opposite ends... wrapping left over right... poking right arm under and through left leg... trying to grab and eat another... pretzel part... sometimes... leaning into your rear... other times... leaning into your hips or sides... trying to grab either foot, knee, or leg... and taking time... to eat again... and you may pull your foot from its shoe laces... trying to make... some revolutions... maybe grabbing at opposite laces and ankles... and hips too... maybe even "mouthing" more pretzel parts... while pulling at your shoe laces... into revolutions again, going right back... and, here and there, one shoe may go off... still trying to grab, trying to eat... putting hand under foot... and all this may go on... again... and, while eating or mouthing another pretzel, trying to get up... and, as well, some of the pretzel might fall... whereas your right hand may press into your left foot... maybe going back... and again... turning around... or going for some more... and whenever, if the pretzel is eaten, you may rise up...

Demonstration 4: How To Picture Skies, Faces and Ceilings

Published on 24 Oct 2016
a demonstration… of how to picture skies, faces, and ceilings… you may decide to go outdoors and, using a tablet computer… picture the sky above you… using your thumb and index finger to… face, point and tap the tablet… taking a picture of the sky… and facing the tablet… you may also decide to go back… going closer… using your thumb and index finger… to look into the picture… and if facing closely… you may find yourself breathing onto the tablet, and onto the picture… sometimes breathing heavier… and all this may go on… and in different ways… and you may try this all again… indoors… in an office or work space, for instance… you may decide to look at or take a picture of the wall… you may also decide to look at or take a picture of the ceiling…